Confused Chickens
I'm fairly certain that the next door neighbors obtained a jet-setting rooster today. His internal clock must be off because he has been crowing straight from 6 this morning until now, 9 in the evening. The only logical conclusion is that he has just arrived and he is dealing with some serious jetlag and time zone changes.
I Have to Smile
When I was teaching in Chicago, I had a couple of occasions where I would imagine what it would be like to do "normal" high school things like have a speaker come to class or go on a field trip or plan a class party. It simply wasn't possible.
Tonight I spent a bit of time at the Senior Lock-In on campus. The majority of the senior class is spending the night on campus to hang out, eat together, worship together, play games together, and watch movies together. I had to chuckle at the thought of doing this with my students back in the USA. It just wouldn't be possible.
It was such a pleasure to have dinner with these students (their moms prepared amazing food!), play a couple of games, and then worship with them. They are a unique group. I very clearly remember 8 years ago when I was in their shoes. There are things that I wish I could just tell them now but they have to learn so much on their own.
I am enjoying my classes immensely. Most of my freshmen students exceeded my expectations with a project that was due today. I had them draw an element of literature or poetry out of a hat - things like plot line or iambic foot or external conflict or tercet. Then they had to display their element creatively on a poster. They did such a great job! I can't wait to hang them up around my classroom!
I am hoping to finish up my prayer letter this weekend. It has been in the works for the last month and just needs some of my non-existent time. If you want to receive a copy, please send me your e-mail addresses so that I don't forget you!
Tonight I spent a bit of time at the Senior Lock-In on campus. The majority of the senior class is spending the night on campus to hang out, eat together, worship together, play games together, and watch movies together. I had to chuckle at the thought of doing this with my students back in the USA. It just wouldn't be possible.
It was such a pleasure to have dinner with these students (their moms prepared amazing food!), play a couple of games, and then worship with them. They are a unique group. I very clearly remember 8 years ago when I was in their shoes. There are things that I wish I could just tell them now but they have to learn so much on their own.
I am enjoying my classes immensely. Most of my freshmen students exceeded my expectations with a project that was due today. I had them draw an element of literature or poetry out of a hat - things like plot line or iambic foot or external conflict or tercet. Then they had to display their element creatively on a poster. They did such a great job! I can't wait to hang them up around my classroom!
I am hoping to finish up my prayer letter this weekend. It has been in the works for the last month and just needs some of my non-existent time. If you want to receive a copy, please send me your e-mail addresses so that I don't forget you!
Moving Again
My housemate and I received an e-mail last night indicating that we will have to move before the end of the semester. While I am thankful for the relatively advanced notice that we've received, the thought of another move does not sit particularly well with me. On the upside - I don't have nearly as much stuff to move as I do in the US. On the downside - looking for a house while doing school everyday doesn't sound particularly fun. Please be in prayer that we can find something affordable, with amenities that we crave (I'm seeking a house with any airflow), and in a good neighborhood.
One Month Followed by One of Those Nights
It's pretty easy to get discouraged. It definitely hits me when I'm tired. When I look back on this past month, I'm in awe. I never imagined that I would encounter nearly as much culture shock as I have since arriving. I'm trying to remind myself that this is a process that takes time. There's not a quick I'm-off-the-plane-I-need-to-be-acclimated pill that I can pop into my mouth like the throat lozenges I've been sucking on.
This has been a month completely focused on trust. After my very overwhelming first week, my mom and I had a conversation. She said, "Well, when you look back on this time of adjustment, you can be absolutely sure of whose strength has done this." I live in absolute confidence that I am not doing this of my own power and will. My strength comes from Christ.
Please be in prayer for me that I seek to follow Christ's best for my life each day. Isn't easy to get caught up in our day-to-day tasks and to forget to look for the big picture?
This has been a month completely focused on trust. After my very overwhelming first week, my mom and I had a conversation. She said, "Well, when you look back on this time of adjustment, you can be absolutely sure of whose strength has done this." I live in absolute confidence that I am not doing this of my own power and will. My strength comes from Christ.
Please be in prayer for me that I seek to follow Christ's best for my life each day. Isn't easy to get caught up in our day-to-day tasks and to forget to look for the big picture?
Congratulations Tim!
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